Friday, May 29, 2009

Can't Sleep

This is my first blog/post to send out into the ethos, ethernet, wherever to whoever. I couldn't sleep so it only made sense to investigate a communicative tool for sharing my thoughts, maybe someday even pictures. One thing at a time.

Why can't I sleep? I'm anxious and excited and constantly planning for an adventure that's still over a month away. I'm planning to bike across the U.S. to Portland ME from Seattle. Sounds like fun huh! Well, whatever gene that causes people to see how far they can swim underwater before passing out, or climbing to the top of a Mtn. just because it's there - I must have been born with that gene. I guess that's why I do Ironman races too. With this blog, those that care can follow along as I make this journey with a friend from work, David. For him it wasn't "do you want to go?" rather it was "when do we leave?" Anyway, we invite you to sit back and enjoy our blog, all we ask is that you enjoy that comfy chair your sitting in.