Saturday, July 25, 2009

Harvey, ND

Well I dot a late start but I was able to keep 22 mph as my average and in some places I could hold 30 - I'll let you guess which way the wind was blowing. Saw a man moving to Seattle on his bike- he was hating the wind and going very slow so I gave him my snack bar. I also found proof that I'm not crazy- met a married couple that both quit their jobs to bike the Outlaw Trail in Mexico the continue to Brazil and Argentina. Lot's of people do that but they were going bicycle back- taking4 years!

I wasn't planning on staying in Harvey ND but I found a pool to soak in and an buffet dinner where I ate myself silly. Time for bed- hopefully I'm adjusted to my 2nd time zone and won't get a late start in the morning.

PS - someone asked if we're staying in hotels - where's all the gear? It's in the yellow bag (sleeping bag&pad, cookset, and raintarp, a luxurious inflatable pillow, and mosquito net). I have 2 replacement tubes and 1 replacement tire, co2 for quick flat repair and a pump-patches too. (had a blowout yesterday b/c tires overheated at 30mph on black pavement) Rain jacket & booties, thermals for sleeping, lightweight warm jacket jacket clothes and shoes for town. 1st aid kit, bathroom kit, sunscreen 2nd biking outfit of shorts and longsleeve white top that worked really well


Susan and Chuck said...

All of that is in that little yellow bag! Will you pack our RV? You are a very organized person-the perfect mate for Kristi.

Kristi said...

I'm glad you thought the married couple was crazy...I was waiting for you to ask me if I wanted to do that!

Unknown said...

Rockstar! Thanks for putting up that packlist -- you're not only fast, but there's no sag wagon or support ... just how i'd love to do it. are you using any of the maps from american adventure cycle tours (out of missoula) or did you find another route?