Monday, July 20, 2009

Thus far biketomaine

Hey all-
So far we have had a great time and the hardest part is over! The hills have gotten the best of us. I regret to say I didn't bike up Glacier NP but I went up on the shuttle and biked back down! The park does not seem real- very picturesque! I also learned the road is really not safe for bicyclists at all. We're super excited to be done with hills (we're having to cancel plans to go through Wyoming) - and no we're not lost!

We have loved getting the comments and appreciate the bulletin at the YMCA

Thus far we've had zero flats in 735 miles! David saw a moose and I saw mtn goats.

The crash David had today was really bad - I watched as him helmet smacked the ground. He really is lucky with only a few rasberries! He bumped into my rear wheel and lost balance. He's going to recover and bike is okay -he got a free large kids helmet from the sheiffs office until later next city. Left over from bike promotion??

Thanks again for your comments!


Father Snow said...


Sounds good so far! I hope David is OK after his crash.

By skipping Wyoming will you get back on your original schedule?

I note that Lance Armstrong is doing well in the Tour, but he more or less conceded that he's not going to win this year.

Good luck the rest of the way!

Anonymous said...

Mac: Glacier is beautiful and we are glad you got to take the shuttle. sorry to hear about David's accident but glad he was not injured worse. Hey, where will you be @ Aug 1st? We are leaving @ 7/29. If we see you we'll honk!!
Love ya, Susan and Chuck

jennyward said...

hey - keep up the safe travelling - no more crashes!
thinking about you!
-Jenny Erik Liam and Zoe

Kristi said...

Good riding today babe! Looks like you want out of Montana! The rest of the states will go much quicker. Stay safe and love you!

P & C said...

Yes, the road to the sun is not for bikers .... hardly good for cars. Beautiful tho like you said.
Sorry about David's crash, sure that was abit unnerving for you both.
Take care and be safe. Enjoying the blogs and pictures.
Cecelia & Paul

Anonymous said...

Looks like you are closing in on North Dakota. You guys are really moving along. Stay safe. We are so proud of you. Chuck and Susan